viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

Vicidial adding a number to DNC in call menu

# Flag Options:
# 1- run as DNC status or NI status (Default=NI)
# 2- default to insert into the vicidial_dnc table for DNC selections (Default=YES)
# 3- campaign to take dnc settings from(overrides option 2)
# 4- call menu option to send the call to after executing (Default=B)
# 5- if option 3 is used, search for lead in campaign lists or whole system(CAMP or SYS) (Default=SYS)
# example of what to put in the AGI entry for a Call Menu AGI route:
# cm_dnc.agi,DNC---YES---TESTCAMP---B---CAMP

this option works for me 

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