lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

vicidial variables

Call URL features(start call url, dispo call url, etc...)

Details on the Call URL and webform-type fields and dynamic URL construction:

Web Form -  This is where you can set the custom web page that will be

opened when the user clicks on the WEB FORM button. To customize the

query string after the web form, simply begin the web form with VAR

and then the URL that you want to use, replacing the variables with

the variable names that you want to use --A--phone_number--B-- just

like in the SCRIPTS tab section.

Start Call URL -  This web URL address is not seen by the agent, but

it is called every time a call is sent to an agent if it is populated.

Uses the same variables as the web form fields and scripts. This URL

can NOT be a relative path. The Start URL does not work for Manual

dial calls. Default is blank.

Dispo Call URL - This web URL address is not seen by the agent, but it

is called every time a call is dispositioned by an agent if it is

populated. Uses the same variables as the web form fields and scripts.

dispo and talk_time are the variables you can use to retrieve the

agent-defined disposition for the call and the actual talk time in

seconds of the call. This URL can NOT be a relative path. Default is


Add Lead URL -  This web URL address is not seen by the agent, but it is called

every time a lead is added to the system through the inbound process. Default 

is blank. You must begin this URL with VAR if you want to use variables, and of

course --A-- and --B-- around the actual variable in the URL where you want to

use it. Here is the list of variables that are available for this function: 

lead_id, vendor_lead_code, list_id, phone_number, phone_code, did_id, 

did_extension, did_pattern, did_description, uniqueid, call_id. This feature is

only available for In-Groups.

No Agent Call URL - This is similar to Dispo Call URL, but it is for calls

that are not sent to agents such as DROPs, No Answers, Busys and timeouts. This 

option is available for Campaigns and In-Groups. This feature will only work for

auto-dial and inbound calls, not manual dial calls. For inbound calls, the 

specific in-group that a call was sent to needs to have the No Agent Call URL 

field filled in or this function will not run for that call.

CRM Popup Login - If set to Y, the CRM Popup Address is used to open a new 

window on agent login to this campaign. Default is N.

CRM Popup Address - The web address of a CRM login page, it can have variables 

populated just like the web form address, with the VAR in the front and using 

--A--user_custom_one--B-- to define variables. 

You can have lead information be auto-populated in the URL

options(webform, webform2, start_call_url, dispo_call_url, crm_popup_url) using

"--A--field--B--" where field is one of the following fieldnames:

(not all of these are available for all features)

vendor_lead_code, source_id, list_id, gmt_offset_now,

called_since_last_reset, phone_code, phone_number, title, first_name,

middle_initial, last_name, address1, address2, address3, city, state,

province, postal_code, country_code, gender, date_of_birth, alt_phone,

email, security_phrase, comments, lead_id, campaign, phone_login,

group, channel_group, SQLdate, epoch, uniqueid, customer_zap_channel,

server_ip, SIPexten, session_id, dialed_number, dialed_label, rank,

owner, camp_script, in_script, script_width, script_height,

recording_filename, recording_id, user_custom_one, user_custom_two,

user_custom_three, user_custom_four, user_custom_five,

preset_number_a, preset_number_b, preset_number_c, preset_number_d,

preset_number_e, preset_number_f, preset_dtmf_a, preset_dtmf_b,

did_id, did_extension, did_pattern, did_description, closecallid,

xfercallid, agent_log_id, entry_list_id, call_id.

For examples(and sample result URL):







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