domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

Setting custom status an unique status for campaing

Change the selectable in System statuses. If you have a system status selectable it shows on every campaign.

Then you just manually add the statuses that you want shown for each campaign

This campaign has 0 leads in the dial hopper

There are three main things that can prevent leads from loading into the hopper when the server is setup and running correctly. 

1. There are no leads in the local call time you have specified. Remember this is local to the leads location. So if you have it set to 12pm to 5pm and it is 9am where all your leads are it will not load leads. Change the local call time for the campaign. 

2. No dialable Dial statuses. If your campaign only has NEW set as a dial status and you have no leads in your list that are NEW it wont be able to load leads. Add other dial statuses to the campaign. 

3. All leads with a Dial status allowed by the campaign are marked as CALLED. Vicidial will only call leads that are set to NOT CALLED in the list. Reset the list and the leads will be marked as NOT CALLED. Note, resetting the list will NOT change the dial statuses just the called status for a lead. 

If none of these help there is most likely something wrong on your server, or you are using an advanced feature of Vicidial (lead filters, lead recycling, etc) and should read up on it more before continuing.