jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018

Accounting for all press 1’s

Accounting for all press 1’s

Accounting for all press 1’s

Postby thephaseusa » Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:59 pm
First thank you to William C, Blackbird, and Matt F for helping me locate all the press 1’s that didn’t go to a live agent, and move them to a list where I can call them back and try to close them. Using no agent call url is working perfectly. I can monitor the said list and see its numbers inch up during the day as i run the campaign. Thanks for your help.

However, I want to say for the record that I thought I was onto something important at first. Even Matt confirmed that some press 1’s “fall through the cracks” and dont make it to a live agent, and so I assumed sales could potentially be lost. It turns out I was wrong about that. Yes some people press the interested button on a survey campaign and dont make it to an agent, but im finding they are almost always mistakes. They didnt mean to press 1 so they hung up real quick before they would have to talk to someone. Or another mistake of some sort. The good press 1’s hold on until an agent comes to the line, in the event an agent wouldn’t come to the line they would leave a message on voicemail if it is configured. So I’m afraid my genius idea to call back these missing press 1’s was a pipe dream and seems to be a waste of time, and could possibly even cause harm by calling customers again, some of whom likely pressed 1 to get a live agent to ask off the list.

In summary, VICIdial works. Just like it’s supposed to. 

Posts: 219
Joined: Tue May 16, 2017 2:23 pm

Re: Accounting for all press 1’s

Postby mflorell » Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:26 pm
Thanks for the follow-up post :)

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